Jumat, 20 Januari 2023

A Lesson

I got conclution that we don't need to share anything to others people...
Better doing the best version about who am i, just for me and for valuable something for me...
I don't need to prove anything to them, better they never know me well.
I don't like when someone try to controll me, even if they are my family, they can't force me to do something i don't want to do...
I need life freely and happy... So i should try to find better way for me, for my childern...
I hope some day, I can life more independent...
I try to avoid conflict, keep silent, don't telling them my plan, my life just for me...
Exactly this incident really change me😊
Never come to deeply to other people life! I hate when someone do this... Really hate...
That's only make me going far from them...
I don't want have transparant relation with them more...
They life in their way, so do i..
Pls don't disturb me again

I said to my self, follow your track, focus on what you want😊 you have right of your self! Go... Complete your weakness. Stay positive, you can reach your dream... Going far...so far exceed their mind